What is Bosch's new Smart Work system?
A hybrid work style in which the ratio of on-site and remote work is decided by the team

In 2022, Bosch announced that it will implement a hybrid working model called "Smart Work", which combines on-site and remote work, at Bosch Group locations around the world. What is the new way of working that has been realized by experiencing the coronavirus pandemic? Yuta Orihara, who is engaged in organizational design in the HR Policy and Union Relations Department, talks about Bosch's efforts to date and future prospects, and the autonomous culture that makes Smart Work possible.
HR Policy and Union Relations Department
Yuta Orihara
First, what is Smart Work?
Smart Work is the new way of working that Bosch advocates globally. In addition to our headquarters in Germany, we are working to implement it at our locations in Europe, Asia, Japan, and around the world. The actual system differs depending on the characteristics and laws of each country and region. Bosch Group in Japan's system is characterized by a hybrid work style of on-site and remote work, in which associates decide the optimal work style through discussions with team members.
I think there are not many cases of a system where teams decide how to work, rather than the company setting the rules.
I agree. This is a system that reflects trust, which is one of the principles of Smart Work. Bosch has implemented a work-from-home system since 2016, but the shift to remote work to protect the health and safety of associates during the coronavirus pandemic was a major trigger. During the "with-COVID-19" or "post-COVID-19" period, instead of reverting to the previous way of working, we chose to introduce a system that trusts associates and enables them to work more flexibly.

You are reflecting the remote work experience gained during the coronavirus pandemic in your new work style.
Many engineers have welcomed remote work, saying that it has become easier to have more time to concentrate on work, and that they have more time to spend with their families due to less commuting time. However, there were also quite a few members who felt sad that they could not meet with the members they had worked with, and were worried about losing contact with them. Therefore, we have removed restrictions such as the "5:5 ratio of on-site and remote work" and "work can only be done at home". Now associates can choose a suitable work style according to the team and the nature of their work. As long as certain security requirements are met, associates can work from anywhere.
How do associates actually decide their work style?
We asked each group of several people, which is the smallest organizational unit, to hold a discussion session (workshop). Using the format we have prepared, members share their thoughts about topics such as "what they felt about the work style during the coronavirus pandemic" and "what was good and what was difficult". Through discussions with team members, associates determine the optimal work style rules, such as what percentage of associates should come to the office or work remotely, how team meetings should be held, and where they should work.
In one team, some members said, "I want remote work to be the basic style so that I can spend more time with my family," while other members said, "I miss having the opportunity to meet members face-to-face." Based on the gathering of opinions, the associates decide the rules, such as "come to the office every Friday and have lunch together" and "share your work location, such as your home or office, on your calendar". As a result, even if there were no major changes to the work style they had been practicing up to that point, they seem to be able to work with confidence because of the rules they chose for themselves.

What difficulties did you face in implementing Bosch Japan's Smart Work?
At first, there were some concerns about whether it would be okay to give associates so much freedom. However, rather than worrying, the guiding principle is trust in our associates who have accumulated a track record of achievements and helped the company to grow even during the coronavirus pandemic.
There were no problems with the network, security, or other technical aspects, but hard work went into designing the system. The HR Department established a model agenda to help the workshops run smoothly, created a Smart Work Handbook, and made other meticulous preparations to avoid any confusion in the field.
Through this hard work, you were able to start a system that allows each team to decide for themselves their own work style.
The workshop discussions went smoothly, perhaps in large part due to Bosch's culture, in which facilitation can be done on a team basis, and associates can decide their own work and careers. I feel that one of Bosch's strengths is the ability to change the way we work without using external consultants.
Rather than being a system that was born from scratch, Smart Work is the embodiment of Bosch's autonomous culture and relationships of trust.
That is right. Bosch respects the goals that each individual wants to achieve, and supports them based on mutual trust, rather than the company setting up jobs, careers, and work styles. In terms of systems other than Smart Work, we have prepared a wide range of options according to each individual's future plans and circumstances. For example, there is as a leave system for learning, and a shortened working hours system for associates that allows associates to take up to four days off per week (conditions are at least twenty hours per week and at least three times per week). The high rate of taking childcare leave, which is 100% for women and about 50% for men, as well as the nearly 100% rate of taking annual leave, show that Bosch values the lives of its associates, and leads to trust in the company.

Smart Work in Bosch Guidelines (Percentage of Associates Coming to Work)
Systems for diverse work styles, such as the system that allows associates to work fully remotely from remote locations, and the shortened working hours system, allow associates to continue working while learning, or to continue working while raising children or providing nursing care. We want to increase the options for associates, so that they do not end up saying, "I have to quit the company due to family reasons" or "I have to change jobs because I want to do something new".
I have heard that Bosch has also significantly changed the system with regard to side jobs.
The conditions have been greatly relaxed compared to before, and it is now possible to have a side job in the form of a sole proprietorship or freelance. We hope that the skills and experience that associates gain there, will be put to good use in their work at Bosch.
Based on feedback from associates that the HR Department received, these initiatives were institutionalized as measures necessary to acquire the talent who will transform the company in the future. Two years ago, we organized a Transformation Team with members from HR business partners, system design, recruitment, human resource development, operations, and training teams within the HR Department. While listening to feedback from the field, we have established HR systems for side jobs, full remote work from remote locations, and a flextime system that does not have core hours.
We tend to think that side jobs and the four-day work week system are systems that only some associates utilize, but you also are providing a wide range of options for a diverse workforce.
Certainly, there may not be many associates who will immediately use the side job or the shortened working hours system, but it is important that such systems are in place. Changes in life stages, such as childcare, nursing care, or a spouse's job transfer, can happen to anyone.
In your career, you may be interested in technologies that you are not using in your current work. In addition, even if it is not right now, it could become difficult in the future to work full-time due to childcare, nursing care, etc. Bosch would like to be a receptacle for diverse work styles by providing options other than "quitting the company or changing jobs" when it becomes difficult to work full time.

As a representative in charge of Smart Work, do you have a message for those who are thinking of joining Bosch?
As I mentioned earlier, Smart Work, in which teams decide their own working style, is just one example of Bosch's features. At the root of this is Bosch's culture of "driving yourself", not only in terms of work style and career, but also in daily work. We are proud that Bosch is a great place to work for those who want to autonomously choose their own career and work style.
In an environment with a well-established system that allows you to work with a sense of purpose and fulfillment, you can further develop yourself and contribute to the company. We hope you will realize a new way of working based on such relationships of trust at Bosch.
*Information contained in this article is current at the time of the interview. (Published on March 22, 2023)