Kenichi M.
Engineering Brake Systems
Customer Project Technology Department 1
Vehicle Application Group
Joined Bosch in 2011
Admiration for the automotive industry grew while working as a consultant
I am currently managing a team that is involved in test runs of electronic brake control devices using actual vehicles, and vehicle control and vehicle application. Previously, I worked as a consultant at a company in Tokyo. However, after changing jobs to Bosch, I started my second career as an application engineer at the Memanbetsu Technical Center in Hokkaido.
In my previous job at an engineering company, I provided consulting and implementation services to manufacturers and factories. I analyzed and broke down tacit knowledge (such as the knowledge and skills of a craftsman) and converted it into formal knowledge, so that digitalization and automation could be achieved. When I was in charge of a major automobile manufacturer, I witnessed the actual production of vehicles with my own eyes. It strengthened my desire to work in an industry that I had dreamed of since I was a student. While I was using Excel and PowerPoint as a consultant, I found it very appealing to see engineers making chassis and engines, which is why I decided to change jobs.
There were some open positions related to automobile design at major manufacturers, but I was interested in fields related to steering stability and maneuverability. Bosch's vehicle application engineers are able to drive and service vehicles on the test course, as well as validate software and logic. That work ideally suited my interests, so I immediately decided to apply for a position at Bosch.

A new life 320 km away from Sapporo. Real experience in "changing the movement of a vehicle".
I was able to ask about the details of the work during the interview, but I was not familiar with Memanbetsu. I was worried about whether I would be able to live in an unknown area 320 km away from my hometown of Sapporo. Even so, I decided to go for it because it was a job I wanted to do.
When I actually started working there, I found that Memanbetsu's company dormitory is always well maintained and comfortable. The company cafeteria also uses local ingredients, and everything is excellent. In addition, it is the best environment where you can take a dip in the hot springs every day. There are plenty of activities in the area, and on holidays you can drive, camp, and have barbecue parties with your colleagues. If you like cars and nature, there is no reason not to enjoy it.

In addition, vehicle application is more interesting than you can imagine. Starting with driving training on the test course, you will gradually learn how to handle the instruments and change the control parameters, so that you can control the vehicle as you wish. There was one time that we changed the parameters significantly while carefully considering safety, but then the ABS (antilock braking system) did not work. When the tires were locked and the vehicle continued to slide without steering, I remember realizing once again that, "This is a job that can change the movement of a car so much!" It is an experience that can only be had on a test course.

Knowing the customer's values and supporting the introduction of new technology. This work is directly linked to protecting lives.
The job of associates in charge of vehicle application is to develop the behavior of the vehicle according to the requirements of the automobile manufacturer. The customers I have been in charge of are very particular about the vehicle's behavior and driving feeling. In addition, they value the fact that "everyone, from young to old, can achieve stable driving as they wish." By working together with customers while understanding these values, I feel that I have grown significantly as an engineer.
The work we do related to vehicle control prevents accidents before they happen, and is connected to protecting human life and creating safety. Even in Hokkaido, where I was born and raised, I feel that the number of people killed or injured in traffic accidents is decreasing year by year. It is very rewarding to be able to contribute to that.
Currently, I am the manager of the Vehicle Application Group. We are working on advanced activities with an eye on the future, proposing to customers the introduction of simulation methods that allow verification without using actual vehicles.
In addition to conveying the appeal of working at Memanbetsu to the new colleagues we will welcome in the future, we are also utilizing experiences from previous jobs, and expanding our educational system. For example, we are offering practical training using actual vehicles, roundtable discussions with senior employees, and a curriculum for mid-career hires. It is an ideal environment for those who want to contribute to society through automobiles and lead a rich life. Let's enjoy working together in Memanbetsu!